Current Projects

Vergabe des Deutschlandstipemdium
Vergabe Deutschlandstipendium 2023
Dr. Susanne Pfisterer- Haas, 
SI Club München-Schwabing



Since 2012, our club has regularly supported a particularly talented and socially committed student at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) with a Germany Scholarship. There are now seven young women studying ethnology, physics, theology, medicine, book studies, law and psychology.

The scholarship holders receive 300 euros per month through the Deutschlandstipendium, of which 150 euros come from the scholarship providers and 150 euros are paid by the German state.

LMU carries out the pre-selection process to determine eligibility. It also organises the official
award ceremonies, as well as networking opportunities for students among themselves and with the scholarship providers.

Our club sister Susanne maintains contact with the scholarship holders, who also have the opportunity to take part in our club evenings at any time and thus familiarise themselves with Soroptimist International's commitment to women.

Here is the
report on our Germany scholarship holder, whom we had the pleasure of sponsoring in 2022/23

Supporting young, talented people who are socially engaged is a great pleasure and enrichment for our club - and in our opinion also a good investment in the future.

Bundhu Project Faridpur, Bangladesh

A life outside the brothel for children of prostitutes and underage forced prostitutes

A few years ago, actor Michael Kranz filmed the documentary WAS TUN in Faridpur, Bangladesh. He saw the terrible conditions under which the women and their children have to live in the brothels.

He founded the Bundhu Project to give the underage forced prostitutes and especially the children of prostitutes a perspective outside the brothel.

Bundhu works together with the local, family-run aid organisation Shapla Mohila Shangstha. This organisation has initiated many projects to strengthen the rights and improve the living conditions of women and children in the brothel milieu. These include a girls' home for daughters of prostitutes who would otherwise grow up in a brothel. With the help of Bundhu, a small home for boys from the brothels has now also been opened. These children can now attend school for the first time in their lives.

The association also supports former forced prostitutes in building a life outside the brothel with the help of an education programme. Up to 30 girls rescued from forced prostitution received embroidery and sewing lessons and thus a perspective for a self-determined life. In addition, there is a lot of individual assistance to help forced prostitutes leave prostitution and reintegrate into society.

The SI Club München-Schwabing supports the police project 'zammgrauft'

of the Munich police force

Violence characterises the lives of children in many situations. That is why it is not possible to "practise" how to deal with violence early enough.

The police project 'zammgrauft' run by the Munich police is aimed at children and young people aged between eleven and 18. Here, pupils learn the importance of solidarity, trust and moral courage through exercises and role-playing games. The various forms of violence, for example physical violence or bullying, are also addressed and strategies against them are developed:

The police train teachers, social education workers and police officers from Munich to become "zammgrauft" trainers so that they can then pass on the content to the target groups.

It also organises courses at the schools itself. The programme takes place over two mornings with the whole school class. The trainers do exercises and role-plays with the pupils on various topics, such as "standing up for your own opinion", "community” or "violence".

The "tools" that are taught the children so that they can resolve conflicts peacefully and avoid violent behaviour are: communication and empathy, creating a supportive environment, role modelling, boosting self-esteem and conflict resolution strategies.

The experience of violence among children and dealing with this violence is of great importance in order to promote a peaceful society.

The 'zammgrauft' police project run by the Munich police has been doing exemplary work in this area since 2001, which we are happy to support.

One girl's comment:

what a great day!

Otherwise I would have spent it again at home with my mobile phone.

Lichtblick Hasenbergl

Sailing trip to Lake Chiemsee

For 16 children and 4 educators from Lichtblick Hasenbergl, the day began early in the morning with a train ride to Prien. They were already expected at the station and taken to the yacht school. And there the much-awaited sailing day began for the children, which has been sponsored by the SI Club Munich-Schwabing for years.

For the children it means spending a day in beautiful nature and without electronic media. With full sails, they sailed along Lake Chiemsee in ideal sailing weather and made new experiences such as tying different knots or initiating different sailing manoeuvres.

Ecological Education Centre (ÖBZ)

Ecological Education Centre (ÖBZ)

Since 2021, the SI Club Munich-Schwabing has supported the Ecological Education Centre (ÖBZ).

The ÖBZ is an environmental station in the middle of Munich, jointly operated by the Münchner Umwelt-Zentrum e.V. and the Münchner Volkshochschule. Its events are aimed at children, young people, families and adults.

The goals of the ÖBZ are environmental education and education for sustainable development. The guiding idea is the sustainable development of the city of Munich. The gardens around the ÖBZ cover various thematic areas: Insect, fragrance and herb garden, rock garden, dry and water area as well as berry and vegetable garden. There is also a 6.5 acre outdoor area. Here there are nature play areas, gardens, hedges, meadows and wetland biotops.

The theme of the environment and sustainability is meant to be expirienced by city dwellers through join in and hands-on experiences.

Through its donations, the SI Club München-Schwabing supports the further development of the centre, among other things the creation of a water body for green toads (Bufo viridis). The green toad is an endangered amphibian that is native to the north of Munich. The facility has since been well received by the amphibians..

Creation of a pond for the Bufo viridis
Anlge eines Teiches für die Bufo viridis

SI Club München-Schwabing unterstützt Aidswaise in Kenia – Kifafa News

Kifafa e.V.

SI Club Munich -Schwabing supports the Kifafa AIDS orphanage in Kendu Bay , Kenya

SI Club München-Schwabing unterstützt Aidswaise in Kenia – Waisenhaus Kendo Bay
SI Club München-Schwabing unterstützt Aidswaise in Kenia – Waisenhaus Kendo Bay


For many years we have been supporting Kifafa e.V. with a sponsorship.

Kifafa e.V. was originally founded by a club sister to provide vital medical care for people with epilepsy in Kenya. Many people with epilepsy live there without any medication or other medical care. Left alone and stigmatised, they vegetate with their families in the slums of Nairobi and in rural areas.

It soon became apparent, however, that although the supply of medication was improving, the living conditions and, above all, the children's chances for a better future were not. 
So the idea of sponsorship was born and in 1995 the society Kifafa e.V.. was founded.

Over the years, the work of the society changed. In addition to the individual care of the sponsored children and the support of the sick people with medication, the construction of an orphanage for epileptic girls and female AIDS orphans in Kendu Bay on Lake Victoria was started in 2004..

Additionally, to contribute against hunger in the Kendu Bay community, a food programme for hungry children was launched in May 2009.

Today, Kifafa e.V. continues to support seven epilepsy outpatient clinics in Kenya with deliveries of free anti-epileptic drugs. The main focus of the work, however, will be Kendu Bay, where 22 sick girls are currently cared for in the orphanage and 40 children are currently fed five days a week with the additional food programme for 50 cents per lunch.

Kendu Bay will remain the centre of work in the future. Kifafa, which now employs 9 people, is one of the major employers in the region and an economically important factor for Kendu Bay.

Club sisters who have visited Kendo Bay/Kifafa were convinced and enthusiastic about the work that is done there for the girls. Even if we only make a small contribution, it helps the girls to lead a more self-determined life.

SI Club München-Schwabing supports financially and ideally the goals of

medica mondiale

Logo Medica Mondiale
SI Club München-Schwabing unterstützt Medic mondial bei ihrem Einsatz für Frauen und Mädchen in Kriegs- und Krisengebieten die sexualisierte Kriegsgewalt erlebt haben

medica mondiale

We support medica mondiale financially because we are convinced that medica mondiale does meaningful and important work worldwide to help women in war and crisis areas. This is more important than ever in the current situation.

medica mondiale e.V. has been supporting women and girls in war and crisis zones who have experienced gender based violence during war for over 28 years. This non-profit organisation is currently working in 14 project countries in Africa, Asia and Europe and provides on-site help - medical, psychological, legal and economic. It also works politically to promote equality, justice and sustainable change in society.

Transforming farmland into natural habitats.

 The SI Club München-Schwabing is committed to biodiversity in Munich's surrounding area with a field flower sponsorship

We want to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the protection of our environment. Therefore, we have involved ourselves in a project to transform farmland into a natural habitat in the Munich area since 2019. We are pleased that our commitment has been successful so far.

For the period 2022 - 2024, we will also work to preserve natural habitats in our environment.
Logo Blühpartenschaften

 Field Flower sponsorships in the Munich countryside

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Together with 365 other sponsors and the Starnberg District Nature Conservation Association, we have returned valuable habitat to nature over the past three years on a project area of 50,000 square metres:
  • Numerous plant species have been grown, some even endangered.
  • The buzzing of insects like honey bees, bumblebees, butterflies, etc. has clearly stood out from their neighboring areas.
  • Skylarks and quails have settled down to breed.
  • Whole flocks of birds have gathered for communal feeding.
  • One doe has given birth to and raised two fawns on the site in each year.
  • ….and these are just a few examples - photos and videos can be found here: @bluehpatenschaft
We will continue to work to preserve natural habitats in our area for the 2022-2024 period.

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 Flowering area

Most recently, the "Save the Bees" referendum called on many people to take action for nature. The numerous votes have shown that we are committed to a sustainable way of life and the protection of species. With this project, the Blühpatenschaft München und Umland we would like to give people the opportunity to actively participate regionally in the implementation of this goal.

For three years at first, a Blühpatenschaft in Munich and surrounding areas takes part of a field out of production and transforms it into a flowering area that is intended to provide a natural habitat for many species. It provides an important food and habitat function for numerous insects. It also serves as an important food source for birds. Since the area is only entered in exceptional cases, it is transformed into an important refuge for wildlife.
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Field wild herb area

Due to the intensification of agriculture, field wild herbs are getting largely lost. About one third of the slightly more than 300 field wild herb species are therefore on the Red List, are already extinct or threatened with extinction. They can only be preserved through targeted measures. These crop companions are food and domicile for a multitude of specialized insects that have adapted to crop stock together with the arable flora for thousands of years.

Only through the extensive cultivation of fields in wide rows and without the use of sprayed herbicides can these wild herbs be encouraged to come back. The wide row spacing is also beneficial for ground nesting birds such as skylark and partridge, which can breed between the stalks. The flowering wild herbs provide food for specialized insects, which in turn serve as food for birds. Particularly the nest-fledging chicks of partridge and quail depend on sufficient readily available food from the very start.

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